Commodore C16 Homepage

  ... die Homepage mit Spielen und Software f�r Commodore C16, C116 und Plus/4, die Konkurrenz zum C64!

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2007-06-21: New emu versions of Yape and Vice

When there were no game updates for a long time, so we will give you at least the newest version of the emulators.Yape v0.74 and Vice v1.21.

2006-11-28: Yape and Vice in a new version

After a few month, I found the time to upload the newest emulators to our homepage. In Yape v0.69 includes a few new key features which improve a lot the sound features. You may try it...

Additonaly there is Vice v1.20 in a new version. It was worked on Plus/4 emulation too.

2006-07-16: New Yape v0.67 / 2 fan meetings in germany

On 07-09-2006 Attila Grósz gave us a new update of Yape v0.67.
It is a small update this time, but a few nasty bugs have been fixed, and the TED chip compatibility has been improved upon.
Thanks for this info to Sidius.

Additionaly there are two fan-meetings in germany planned for this year. Informations about can be found in our forum.

2006-05-27: What a miracle! Something new here ;)

After long times of frustration about the loss of our domain, today i have got the desire to upload the newest emulators here at least..

Now you can find here the brand new Yape v0.66 and the somewhat older Vice v1.19.

Additionaly i fixed some defect links and updated the board to the newest version. The problem with the fake users is hopefully fixed too.

Altogether there are small but important improvements for you.

Statistics / Infos
At this time we have
433 Prgs
53 Tapes
on our website

0 at the moment
since 2002-08-01

01  02  03  04  05  06 
07  08  09  10  11  12 

 Letzte Änderung: 21.06.2007